3D Engine (Basic 3.5)

My first release of  the 3D engine.

Consider it as an experiment, play around with the objects and the code. Improve it and port it to all plattforms you want. Thank you all for your support and nice words, which inspired me to get this project so far.

Download: 3dengine.zip

Video: https://youtu.be/14UyU77wLMU

Video: https://youtu.be/3vc08dxoiIk

2 Responses to “3D Engine (Basic 3.5)”

  1. seong je sagt:

    Hi George, I love your graphics.
    How can I make this run on my commodore 128?
    When I run it, it gives me the following error: ?BAD SUBSCRIPT ERROR IN 140
    Thanks in advance.

  2. George sagt:

    Hi seong je,

    try 3d Engine 3.5: https://patsos.de/New_Weblog/?p=599

    It should work without any modification on the c128. Make sure the vertex.seq and planes.seq files are on the disk image too. If you are using emulator with sd2iec emulation (path on hd) make sure is properly set up (this is tricky and depends on the emulator. So put all files on a diskimage)
    Greetings George

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